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Dance Ministry

BCC Dance Ministry

Our Dance Ministry, “Team Testimony”, consists of our children and youth who are willingly committed to express their faith in Jesus Christ through dance. Every dancer is empowered to share their God given talent with others in total reverence to God.

Drama Ministry 

Our theme “Each One, Reach  One”, is demonstrated in every presentation by our BCC Drama Ministry. This ministry, led by the Holy Spirit, provides practical and uplifting performances purposed to demonstrate the love of God and share the gospel of Jesus Christ. All ages are welcome to join this group.  There is always a part for everyone to play.

BCC Drama Ministry 

Praise & Worship Ministry

BCC Praise & Worship Ministry

Our Praise and Worship team plays a vital role in our church services. Our responsibility is to usher the congregation into the presence of the Lord.  Through our praise and worship, we aspire to bring healing and deliverance with total dependence on the Holy Spirit.

Women's Ministry

BCC Women's Ministry

Our Women's Ministry is founded on Biblical principles, where we endeavor to connect the women of the church together through formal and informal settings. Our goal is to train, equip and empower women in biblical and practical activities for their everyday lives, and to reach unchurched women in our communities. We desire also to mentor our young women in leading godly lives and submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

Sunday School/Mighty Kids

BCC Sunday School/Children's Ministry

Our Sunday School (aka “Mighty Kids”) is a fun-filled, exciting ministry that focuses on the spiritual growth of our children, teaching them the Word of God, the importance of prayer and the values of being Christ-like. We are passionate about providing the right forum for our children’s well-being and growth in the Lord, from a tender age.

Youth Ministry

Our Youth Ministry’s primary goal is to help our youth build an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ through the Word of God, prayer and fellowship. We have established a safe, fun-filled environment to allow youth to express themselves and share with others for their spiritual and personal growth.

BCC Youth Ministry

Men's Ministry

BCC Men's Ministry

Our Men’s ministry equips men with the Word of God while developing relationships and sharing experiences in an environment that allows every man to have open and honest conversation as they connect with each other. The ministry is Kingdom driven and our mission is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and help lead others to live as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Marriage Ministry

Our Marriage Ministry allows couples to connect and grow. It is a fun-filled environment where each couple can share their experiences and help others to build Christ-centered marriages.

INSTE Global Bible College (IGBC) has been training future disciples, pastors, and leaders for more than 35 years. When you take the IGBC courses you will find that it equips you to fulfill the calling of God upon your life. You will experience the warmth and vitality of being part of a group of people who share some of the same challenges and questions you have. Together you will build long lasting relationships and grow spiritually in the Biblical understanding of God's Word.

BCC INSTE Bible College
BCC INSTE Bible College
BCC INSTE Bible College
BCC INSTE Bible College
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